Let’s try this blog thing
You may have noticed, I have a new website. Along with the new pages, new booking format and hopefully a new payment portal I wanted to try a blog. This one is the first hopefully of many or maybe the first of a few. Here I’ll update what’s going on with the meat collective. New classes or meat things I am pondering like this: I listen to the Meatpad podcast. A recent episode on pork quality here spoke about how U.S. producers are needing to improve pork quality for export markets. Markets like Japan expect higher quality pork and the U.S. wasn’t producing it. So, now they are because Japan wants it. Which is awesome but here’s the question….. why the hell don’t we demand better quality meat? We could you know, by just refusing to buy the cheapest pork out there. Producers will respond by growing better pigs. It’s easy but we won’t do it. That’s what’s on my mind for now.